mercredi 24 mars 2010

Secondly, there are many examples of child prostitution everywhere around the worl. For one, in Kuala Lumpur, there is a hotel with grey windos. In Ths hotel, there areabout one hundred child and teenagers girls who are captive in only one small room. These girls are on call tweeter-four hours a day, seven days a week. There are girls as young as five years old. In another case, in Cambodia, a girl who was only twelve years old was forced into prostitution. She was captive ina cage and beaten until she accepted to meet clients. In 2002, the New York city police found a child prostitution house. There were young girls in bad healt condition, the rooms were dirty and full of trashes and there was a lot of different kind ok drugs. Recently, it happened in Haïti. The police and the other autorities are completely disorganised, so a lot of children are kidnapped everyday to be sold for prostitution or other form of sexual slavery. Some big companies send their employees on "sex holiday(s)" in hotels where there are girls who are sex slaves. These girls are not paid for their "work". All the money they bring back goes to the traffickers who keep and control them. In poor countries, it is the parents who sell their own daughters to have money for their family.

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